Best Dividend ETF: DIVB vs. SCHD
What's your monthly number?
The Odyssey of Investing: Resisting the Siren Song of Emotional Selling
Unlock Wealth: Warren Buffett's Top Stock Tips for Passive & Active Investors
A Millionaire's Dividend Income Portfolio
Where to Invest $1,000?
10 Reasons Why You Lose Money Investing
How to grow $6K into $500K in a coffee can?
Become a Millionaire With Coffee Can Investing
Don't Invest in Index Funds, Be an Active Investor
Where to Invest $100,000 Today for Passive Income
Transcript: Hello fellow compounders. The market has been down in the last couple of weeks, giving us ample opportunities to buy good businesses for cheap. In this video I have answered a question of where to invest $100,000 in the market now, and I'll also review the
3 Stocks That Are Better Than Bitcoin To Make Money
Hello fellow compounders! In my last video someone asked how to invest in Bitcoin? Well, I believe that there's a better way to make money from the Bitcoin phenomenon than to buy Bitcoin itself. In this video, I'll suggest three stocks that are better investments than
5 Best Stocks to Buy, a Market Crash Guide
Do you know what to do when the market goes down a lot? In this video, I'm going to show you how I go about managing my investment portfolio, and what I do when the market gives you opportunities to make money. I'll walk you through
Forget Living Off Dividends - Buybacks is What Smart Investors Prefer
Have you ever wondered why Berkshire Hathaway doesn't pay dividends? Why do people like me don't like receiving dividends in taxable accounts? In this video, I'm going to explain the reason why I prefer the companies I own return money through buybacks instead of
5 Top Lessons from 2022 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
Hello, fellow compounders. I'm very excited about presenting this video. This is the first time I have attended the Berkshire Hathaway's Annual Meeting in person. I'm going to be sharing my experiences and key takeaways from the trip. At the end of the video,
Coming soon
This is Always Be Compounding, a brand new site by Dennis Chen that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is